What Happens When a Narcissist Loses Power?

Coping with a narcissistic individual can prove to be a demanding and exhausting ordeal. Their constant need for attention, admiration, and control can leave those around them feeling exhausted and manipulated. However, when a narcissist loses power, their behavior and dynamics can undergo significant changes. In this article, we will explore what happens when a narcissist loses power and the implications it can have on their relationships and overall well-being.

1. Loss of Control

One of the defining characteristics of a narcissist is their desire for control. They thrive on having power over others and manipulating situations to suit their needs. When a narcissist loses power, whether it be in a personal or professional context, they may experience a significant blow to their ego. This loss of control can lead to frustration, anger, and even aggressive behavior as they struggle to regain their sense of power and dominance.

2. Vulnerability and Insecurity

Beneath their grandiose exterior, narcissists often harbor deep-seated insecurities and a fragile sense of self-worth. When they lose power, these vulnerabilities become more apparent. Suddenly, they are confronted with the reality that their inflated self-image may not be as invincible as they believed. This newfound vulnerability can cause them to become more defensive, reactive, and even engage in self-sabotaging behaviors to protect their fragile ego.

3. Manipulative Tactics

While a narcissist may lose their position of power, they often do not give up their manipulative tactics easily. Instead, they may resort to more covert and subtle forms of manipulation to regain control over those around them. These tactics can include gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or playing the victim to elicit sympathy and regain their former influence. It is important for those dealing with a narcissist to remain vigilant and set boundaries to protect themselves from further manipulation.

4. Loss of Narcissistic Supply

Narcissists flourish on receiving attention and admiration from others, which is often referred to as narcissistic supply, they may also lose the source of this supply, which can be a significant blow to their ego. The loss of admiration and adulation can lead to feelings of emptiness, depression, and a desperate search for alternative sources of validation. This can result in the narcissist becoming even more manipulative or engaging in attention-seeking behaviors to fill the void left by their loss of power.

5. Reflection and Self-Improvement

While it may seem unlikely, some narcissists may use their loss of power as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. The realization that their previous behavior and mindset may have contributed to their downfall can prompt them to seek therapy or engage in introspection. In these cases, the loss of power can serve as a wake-up call and a catalyst for positive change. However, it is important to note that this is not the case for all narcissists, as many may simply double down on their manipulative tactics to regain their former status.


When a narcissist loses power, their behavior and dynamics can undergo significant changes. They may experience a loss of control, become more vulnerable and insecure, resort to manipulative tactics, face a loss of narcissistic supply, or even use the experience as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. It is crucial for those dealing with a narcissist to understand these dynamics and set boundaries to protect themselves from further manipulation. Ultimately, the consequences of a narcissist losing power can vary depending on the individual, their willingness to change, and the support they receive.


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